
The Second Annual WealthBriefingAsia External Asset Management Awards 2023

Thursday - 12th October 2023

Mandarin Oriental, Singapore
5 Raffles Avenue Marina Square, Singapore 039797

Nominations closed
Winners announced on
12th October, 2023

Become a Sponsoring Partner
About Judges & Sponsors Finalists & Winners Categories & Registration


WealthBriefingAsia is excited to announce the launch of the second awards program highlighting the importance of External Asset Managers to the wealth management industry in Asia.

The nomination process for the WealthBriefingAsia External Asset Management Awards 2023 is now open culminating in a celebratory gala dinner at The Mandarin Oriental, Singapore on 12th October 2023. A preview of what to expect on the evening can be seen here

The categories for entry are focused around these main areas:

  • Pan-Asia
  • International
  • Regional
  • Team-Based
  • Specialist
  • Technology (both in-house and external)
  • Individual and Leadership

As is the case for all our global awards programs, independence, integrity and genuine insight will be the watchwords of the judging process, which as always will be conducted by expert panels drawn from both custodian banks and trusted advisors/consultants to the sector.

Having reported on the wealth management industry for over 15 years and being responsible for several research report specifically covering this area, we are best placed to initiate a process that fairly rewards achievement, top class performance and innovation.

Winning a WealthBriefingAsia Award sets organisations and individuals apart from their peers and is a tangible demonstration that they have something special to offer.

We very much look forward to you joining the process and to welcoming you to celebrate your achievement at the awards presentation in October 2023.

Sponsorship Opportunities

For further information on sponsorship opportunities please contact

Further Information

For more information about the awards and submission process please contact

Key Dates

Nominations open – 23 March 2023
Nominations close – 7 July 2023 (at midnight), this has now been extended until the 14 July 2023
Winners notified – 3 August 2023
Public announcement of winning entries – 12 October 2023
Awards presentation – 12 October 2023


Mandarin Oriental, Singapore

Address: 5 Raffles Avenue Marina Square, Singapore 039797

Frequently Asked Questions

Q) Does the entering firm or individual need to be a subscriber to WealthBriefingAsia?

A) No, this program is open to all firms and individuals active in wealth management or the family office sectors.

Q) Can my firm enter more than one category?

A) Yes, we encourage firms to enter as many awards that are applicable to their business.

Q) Do I need to use the submission form provided?

A) Yes, submissions shall only be accepted when using this document.

Q) Is there any upfront cost to enter?

A) No, there is no upfront cost to enter, but you will be offered the chance to purchase a winner’s marketing package should you be successful. The judging process is completely independent of the commercial arrangements between the participants and the organisers. However it is expected that when the results are made public, winners will engage with the organisers to promote their win and also attend the awards ceremony to accept their trophy.

Q) Is the process open to firms that are not currently active within the Asia region?

A) The judges will only consider submissions from firms that are demonstrably active in the region. Please see here an overview of our global awards programmes.

Q) How do you ensure that the judging process is independent and impartial?

A) The Judges are independent of the award organisers ensuring they are divided into separate panels to avoid conflicts of interest. 

Q) Can you assure me that any details that I submit will be treated with confidentiality.

A) We only share submissions with the panel responsible for judging those particular categories. Furthermore, our experienced team ensures that there is no conflict of interest before they share an entrant’s submission with anyone. All our judges have signed a Non-Disclosure Agreement.

Q) My submission is likely to be longer than the 1,000-word max limit. Would this disadvantage me?

A) We have set the limit out of respect to the judges and we are keen to maintain this to ensure that there is a level playing field between competing submissions.  Judges reserve the right to refuse to review submissions that do not comply. We also encourage against attachments to the submissions. 

Q) Do I need to submit a separate submission for each category?

A) You will need to do a new form for each submission and you should also ensure that this specifically relates to the category for which you are entering. If you are using the same answers for multiple submissions this could result in your entry being marked down by the judging panel.

Q) Where is the winner’s announcement shared?

A) The winners are announced publicly the day after the official awards celebration and this is via our editorial and social media platforms. 

Q) Can I speak to anyone on the team about my entry?

A) Yes, our experienced team is always available to assist you with preparation of your submission/s and any aspects of the process from start to finish. For any questions please contact either or


WealthBriefing’s global awards program is built on the independence of our judges.

The judges for WealthBriefingAsia’s External Asset Management Awards 2023 are being invited from partners in the custodian banks, technology companies and other service providers. Each judge will have signed an NDA to ensure that all the information they receive in the submissions is kept in the strictest confidence. Further judges will be advised in due course

Trusted Advisors

Sean Coughlan

Managing Director

Trident Trust

Alain Esseiva

CEO and Co-Founder

Alpadis Group

Emmanuel Guillaume

Head of External Asset Managers, Asia-Pacific

Lombard Odier

Johnny Heng

Head of Singapore Branch

VP Bank

Regina Ho

Coordinator for their Education & Research Committee

Family Office Association Hong Kong

Kaushiq Kodithodika

Regional Sales Director

SS&C Advent

Anne Liebgott



Gary Tiernan



About our Sponsors

Technology Partner Sponsorship


Supporting Association Partners


Trust Sponsor

Sponsors Videos


Overall Pan-Asia Categories (Company)

Assets Between US$ 1 Billion and US$ 5 Billion AuM
SingAlliance Pte Ltd

Overall Pan-Asia External Asset Manager (Company)
Azimut Investment Management 


International Categories (Company)

Servicing Mainland China Based Clients
Fargo Wealth Group

Servicing Japanese Clients
TriLake Partners

Servicing European Clients
TriLake Partners

Servicing Taiwanese Clients
Efinity Capital 

Servicing Clients From Singapore
Crossinvest (Asia) Pte Ltd

Servicing Clients From Australia
Crossinvest (Asia) Pte Ltd


​​Regional Categories (Company)

Based in Hong Kong
SystematicEdge Limited

Based in Singapore
Eightstone Pte Ltd


Specialist Pan-Asia Categories (Team)

Farro Capital

Portfolio Management
Sunline Wealth Management

Wealth Planning
Sunline Wealth Management

Philanthropy Offering
Farro Capital

Succession/Legacy Planning Advisory Service or Proposition
Farro Capital

Family Office Proposition
Wealth Management Alliance Pte Ltd

Thematic Investment Proposition or Strategy
Sunline Wealth Management

Digital Assets Advice or Proposition
SingAlliance Pte Ltd

Investment Advice                                                                                                       Sanctum Wealth Private Limited


Pan-Asia External Technology Solution Provider Categories (Company)

Client Accounting (External)

Compliance Solution (External)

Overall Pan-Asia Technology Solution Provider (External)


Pan-Asia In-House Technology Categories (Company)

Client Reporting (In-house)
Efinity Capital 

Client Communications (In-house)
Alpha Capital

Innovative Use of Technology (In-house)
Fargo Wealth Group

Overall Digital Engagement (In-house)
Fargo Wealth Group


Other Pan-Asia Categories (Company)

Diversity Programme
TriLake Partners

Overall Pan-Asia Client Service
Alpha Capital

Growth Strategy
Futu Trustee Limited



Pan-Asia Leadership-Based Categories (Individual)

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Azimut Investment Management – Andrea Ciaccio

Female Executive
Taurus Wealth Advisors Pte Ltd – Hema Mathur

Rising Star Under 40
St James’s Place Wealth Management – Jasmine Jalif


Awards Winners Supplement

Previous Winners

Pan-Asia Categories (Company) 

Overall External Asset Manager (EAM)
Carret Private Capital Limited

Assets Under US$ 500 Million AuM
Marcuard Heritage (Singapore) Pte Ltd.

Assets Between US$ 1 Billion And US$ 5 Billion AuM
Azimut Investment Management Singapore

Growth Strategy
Fargo Wealth Group

Blackhorn Wealth Management Limited

International Categories (Company)

Servicing Mainland China Based Clients
Fargo Wealth Group

Servicing Japanese Clients
TriLake Partners

Servicing European Clients
TriLake Partners

Servicing GCC Clients
Efinity Capital

Servicing Clients From Vietnam
C99 Asset and Capital Management JSC

Servicing Clients From Singapore
Azimut Investment Management Singapore


Regional Categories (Company)

Based in Hong Kong
Blackhorn Wealth Management Limited

Based in Singapore
Eightstone Oclaner Pte. Ltd.

Team-Based Categories

Investment Process
Schroders Wealth Management

Portfolio Management
Marcuard Heritage (Singapore) Pte Ltd.

ESG/Sustainability Investment Strategy
Schroders Wealth Management

Client Service
Crossinvest (Asia)

Wealth Planning
Sunline Wealth Management

Diversity Programme
Fargo Wealth Group


Technology Categories (In-House)

Innovative Use of Technology
Crossinvest (Asia)

Client Reporting
Efinity Capital

Client Communications
Waterfield Advisors

Overall Digital Engagement
Crossinvest (Asia)


Technology & External Supplier Categories

Portfolio Management Solution
Sunline Wealth Management

Specialist Wealth Management Categories

Fund Selection/Asset Allocation Programme
Schroders Wealth Management

Next-Gen Programme
Golden Equator Wealth

Family Office Proposition
Taurus Wealth Advisors Pte Ltd.

Digital Assets Offering or Service
SingAlliance Pte Ltd

Thematic Investment Proposition or Strategy
Sunline Wealth Management


Leadership-Based Categories

Rising Star Under 40
Lynceus Partners – Patrick Chotard

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
REYL Intesa Sanpaolo – Antoine Denaiffe

Outstanding Contribution to Singapore Wealth Management
TriLake Partners – Lucie Hulme

Lifetime Achievement
SingAlliance Pte Ltd – Thierry Beck


The submission process for the WealthBriefingAsia External Asset Management Awards 2023 is now unfortunately closed. For any questions, please contact