Summits & Forums

2nd New York Family ​Office Fintech Summit 201​7

Tuesday - 28th February 2017

The Convene Center
101 Park Ave, New York, NY 10178, United States​

About Speakers & Sponsors Register


Family Wealth Report is excited to announce the launch of the second Family Office Fintech Summit on February 28, 2017 in New York City.

Technology has become a transformational force within financial services and is now central to the wealth management dialogue, particularly in the US, where annual investment is tipped to reach $4.2 billion by 2018. At both ends of the wealth spectrum, institutions are seeking – and achieving – huge gains through technology investment.

Yet the question of where to invest, and how to implement new solutions for optimum impact, remains and for family offices the stakes couldn’t be higher. Clients’ wants and needs are evolving at a startling rate across all segments, but for family offices the need to present truly 21st century wealth management is even more pronounced. Securing the loyalty of the next generation of clients, while also (profitably) tackling the challenges of operational efficiency, data management and security is the weighty task facing family offices’ technology chiefs.

The Family Office Fintech Summit has been designed to present cutting-edge thought leadership on the most pressing technology issues facing single, multi family offices and RIAs serving UHNW clients and to offer actionable intelligence on how to make “solutions” really worthy of the name.

Many of the most influential people and firms in the family office and technology spheres are expected to attend this event, which is exclusively for qualifying members of the Family Wealth Report network and invited guests.

Topics for discussion will include:

  • Maintaining regulatory compliance cost-effectively
  • Innovating for maximum impact on profitability
  • Achieving operational efficiency gains
  • Cybersecurity and privacy challenges
  • Vendor selection and making best-of-breed work
  • Implications of the fiduciary standard on technology
  • Evolving fintech in line with investment trends
  • Emerging technologies and their place in the family office sphere
Who should attend: 
Business leaders, operations, information technology, compliance, client service professionals, relationship managers within SFOs, MFOs, Private Banks and RIAs serving UHNW clients


Participants will:

  • Be informed of the latest thinking and best practice in financial technology and data security
  • Raise their awareness about technical and legal compliance with the latest regulations
  • Become acquainted with best practices for operational excellence in family office environment


ClearView Financial Media Ltd is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website:  


Date and Time

Date: Tuesday 28th February - 2017
Time: 8:00 am – 7:00 pm


The Convene Center

Address: 101 Park Ave, New York, NY 10178, United States​


8:00 - 9:00am Registration and Breakfast 9:00 - 9:05am Summit Introduction 9:05 - 9:35am Presentation: Do you have to be disruptive to be innovative? 9:40 - 10:30am Panel 1: Right First Time: Best Practices for Vendor Selection and Implementing Technology 10:30 - 11:00am Networking and refreshment break 11:00 - 11:50am Panel 2: Making the Digital Family Office a Reality – The Challenges, Benefits, and Risks to Be Managed 11:55 - 12:10pm Demonstration 1: iPaladin – The New Family Office, Digitized, Secure and in the Cloud 12:15 - 12:30pm Demonstration 2: ATWeb: The Enterprise is Now 12:35 - 12:55pm Demonstration 3: Digital Access to Leading-Edge Alternatives 12:55 - 1:55pm Lunch 1:55 - 3:05pm Panel 3: Cyber-Security: Best Practice Insights on a Constantly Evolving Threat 3:10 - 3:30pm Presentation: The Wealth Management Firm of the Future 3:30 - 4:00pm Networking and refreshment break 4:00 - 4:50pm Panel 4: Alternative Assets: Addressing Aggregation, Accounting and Reporting Challenges 4:55 - 5:40pm Panel 5: Family Investing in Family-Office Technology 5:40 - 5:45pm Closing Remarks 5:45 - 6:45pm Cocktails If you would like to discuss speaking opportunities or/and make speaker suggestions, please contact Adriana Zalucka @

About our Sponsors

Featured Sponsors



2nd New York Family ​Office Fintech Summit 201​7

Hugh Bagatelle

Founding Partner

Windward Advisory Group

Darren Berkowicz

MD, SS&C GlobeOp Fund Services

SS&C GlobeOp

Linda Bourn

National Director Family Enterprise Risk Practice

Alliant Private Client

Jason Brown

Chief Executive

Archway Technology Partners

Tom Burroughes

Group Editor

ClearView Financial Media

Theresa Clarkson

Solutions Architect


Jill Creager

Founder and Chief Executive


Sanford Crystal

Executive Vice President

Crystal & Company

John F. Curran


Walden Macht & Haran

Thomas DeMayo

Principal, Cyber Risk Management

PKF O’Connor Davies

Eric Feldman

The Riverside Company

Stephen Harris


ClearView Financial Media

Don Kozusko

Founding Partner

Kozusko Harris Duncan

Dennis Mangalindan

Vice President


Chris Martinez

Former Managing Director

Oakbrook Solutions

Stephen Martiros


Financial Building Blocks

Paul McKibbin

Executive Director, Private Client Services & Family Office Advisory Services


Jamie McLaughlin

Founder and Chief Executive

J. H. McLaughlin & Co.

Tania Neild



Marcella Odum

Chief Financial Officer and Vice President

The Lupton Company

Michael G. Ricciardi

Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder

Mercury Capital Advisors

Andrew Scharf

Vice President


Avi Sharon

Executive Vice President and Product Strategist


Mike Slemmer

LP Sales Director

Dynamo Software

Edouard Thijssen

Co-Founder, CEO

Trusted Family

Bruce Weatherill


ClearView Financial Media
