Summits & Forums

Family Wealth Report Family Office Fintech Forum 2024

Thursday - 18th April 2024

350 Park Avenue, 30th Floor, New York, NY 10022 USA

About Speakers & Sponsors Register



The Family Office Fintech Forum 2024 is part of the Family Wealth Report’s  family office events series.  It serves as an industry’s forum to discuss best practice and see real-life examples of how to adopt and invest in technology by multi and single-family offices.

To register to attend, please fill out your details here.


Family Wealth Report‘s Family Office FinTech Series

The Family Wealth Report Family Office FinTech Forum will provide our guests with insights around some of the following themes, amongst others:

  • Bill paying, tax filing and accounting: Do threatened tax hikes put more pressure on FOs to improve processes?
  • Risk management: How can tech improve it rather than make it more complicated?
  • ESG and impact investing: Tech tools and latest developments.
  • Digitization: How much is enough? How to unite the best of both person and machine?
  • Infosec: Emerging threats and countermeasures.
  • Automation and efficiency: Where are the key gaps to fill and what should firms tackle first?
  • Accounting, reporting and communication: How to empower clients, advisors and managers through data.
  • Portfolio management: How technology is giving investment managers the edge across the asset mix.
  • Crypto assets: “Rat poison squared”, as Warren Buffet says, or an important long-term store of value?
  • Choosing, assessing and working with partners: Avoiding blind spots in due diligence.
  • Integrating solutions: Getting the connectivity you need and the functionality you want.
  • Minimum standards of tech and ops for family offices: What are the downsides of a low tech approach, and what are the most impactful investments to be made?
  • How to streamline implementation:  Implementation a realistic roadmap and appropriate resourcing.
  • The technology gold standard: How to future-proof your organization.


Event Format

This will be an in-person event and will follow the format displayed on our agenda tab.

Contact Us

For the forum program, logistics, attendance, speaking and sponsorship opportunities, email


Date and Time

Date: Thursday 18th April - 2024
Time: 12:00 pm – 6:00 pm Eastern Standard Time



Address: 350 Park Avenue, 30th Floor, New York, NY 10022 USA


1.00 pm  Registration and networking

1.30 pm  Welcome

1.35 pm  Opening keynote: Operating a high-performing family office in 2024 by Raymond DiNunzio, TOS Advisors

1.55 pm Presentation 1: Presenting a centralized data warehouse for wealth managers where workflows are operated by AI bots by Tanmai Sharma, Collation AI

2.05 pm Presentation 2: The easiest way to manage high-net-worth households by Mohamed Elzomor, Nines

2.20 pm Presentation 3: Automated Alts Performance Reporting and Aggregation by Kareem Hamady, AltExchange

2.35 pm  Networking and refreshments

2.50 pm  Presentation 4: A system built by a family office for family offices and their trusted advisors by Robin Williams and Scott Trimble, Asset Vantage

3.05 pm  Panel discussion: Alternative asset data aggregation platforms: selection and implementation moderated by Erin Hulse (Deviate Consulting) with Alyssa Dondero (Fingerboard Family Office) and Kelly Moore (Arch)

3.35 pm  Presentation 5: If taxable investors had access to after-tax reporting, would they ever use pre-tax reporting? by Gary Langham, ATRS

3.45 pm Presentation 6: AI automation of K1s – A Technology Life Raft for Family Offices UHNW individuals by John LaMancuso and Will Campbell, K1x

3.55 pm  Networking and refreshments

4.10 pm  Presentation 7: Rethinking complexity in family office software by Alexandre Lin, SumIt

4.20 pm Fireside chat by the UHNW Institute: Benefits and Pitfalls of Outsourcing for Family Offices by Doug Fritz, F2 Strategy and Jonathan Theberge, Keybank

4.50 pm Closing keynote: How family office investors in private companies are using AI and analytics as a competitive weapon by David Teten, Versatile VC & Coolwater Capital

5.05 pm  Forum close

Cocktail reception and networking

About our Sponsors

Content partner

Technology partners

Venue partner

PR partner

Supporting partners

About Technology Demonstrations

The easiest way to manage high-net-worth households with Nines

Join a demo of Nines, the household and estate management platform built for high-net-worth households. Whether this is relevant for you or your clients, we will show you how our platform can bring a house manual to life in a smart, searchable environment. You will see how Nines can turn information into action with tasks, checklists, and more. And keep track of bill pay and household budgets to ensure smart spending and return on investments.

For more information, email Mohamed Elzomor

A Centralized Data Warehouse for Wealth Managers where workflows are operated by AI Bots

Our AI bots, extract data from any system, put it into a data warehouse and maintain data integrity and consistency, then data is pushed to any system the client wants. Providing our clients full admin access to their Data Warehouses addresses all of their privacy concerns.

For more information, email Tanmai Sharma

If taxable investors had access to after-tax reporting, would they ever use pre-tax reporting?

I. Reason for starting the firm:
Frustrated with having to provide results to wealthy taxable investors that excluded such an
important expense borne by their overall wealth management program.
II. Benefit of software:
Provides the highest level of transparency in reporting. Customized to an individual’s
specific tax situation (federal, state and local).
III. Performance reporting is the tip of the iceberg:
Impacts return and volatility of overall portfolio thus having a major impact on portfolio construction through asset allocation strategy and investment solution selection
For more information, email Gary Langham

Built by a family office for family offices and their trusted advisors

We help families with complex wealth run their family office like they would their business by doing performance reporting inside the general ledger to
create a true and complete picture of how family principals and decision makers view their wealth with all the power of the GL to help the accounting team be on top of a fully reconciled system based on the same data.

  • Support for all asset classes
  • Configurable reporting engine and ease of interactive and branded exports
  • Support for partnership accounting and reporting
  • Integration with custodial feeds, billpay, alternative investment PDF engines
  • Global ready
  • Best-in-class implementations and customer experience

For more information, email Scott Trimble

AI Automation of K1s - A Technology Life Raft for Family Offices and UHNW individuals

Family Offices and UHNWIs are challenged by multiple factors including many of the usual suspects—investment opportunity access, investment management, family dynamics and governance, etc. But at the very top of the list is regulatory and tax compliance. In an environment of considerable regulatory scrutiny, managers of family offices wealth managers are squeezed by massive increases in tax code complexity, massive volumes of alternative investments, and unforgiving deadlines. Given a historically tight labor market, the usual answers of hiring more people and working them for longer hours are no longer viable. Technology to the rescue. We will discuss transformative technology solutions for the family office and wealth managers that automate away the pain, complexity, and much of the risk of alternative investment tax compliance.

For more information, email John LaMancuso

Rethinking Complexity in Family Office Software

Family office accountants are either underwhelmed or overwhelmed by their software – how do we strike the right balance?

For more information, email Alexandre Lin

Automated Alts Performance Reporting and Aggregation

Learn how to transform your most complicated, time-consuming alternative investment management processes into simple, automated workflows using AI technology. AltExchange CEO and Co-Founder Kareem Hamady will demonstrate how Family Offices can replace hours of manual work with the click of a few buttons. Kareem will dive into using automated workflows to manage Alternative Investment performance and reporting, Capital Call distribution management, Tax Document aggregation, structuring unstructured data into visual performance insights, and more with AltExchange.
For more information, email Kareem Hamady

Keynote speakers

Raymond DiNunzio


TOS Advisors

David Teten

Venture Partner

Coolwater Capital

Panel speakers

Alyssa Dondero

Director of Operations

Fingerboard Family Office

Erin Hulse

Owner and Family Office Technology Consultant

Deviate Consulting

Kelly Moore

Senior Sales Director



Mohamed Elzomor


Nines Living

Kareem Hamady

CEO and Co-Founder


John LaMancuso



Gary Langham

Founder and CEO

After Tax Reporting Solutions

Alexandre Lin

Co-Founder & CEO


Tanmai Sharma

CEO and Founder

Scott Trimble

Executive Director

Asset Vantage

Robin Williams

Managing Director

Asset Vantage

Fireside chat speakers

Doug Fritz

Founder & CEO

F2 Strategy

Jonathan Theberge

Director of Wealth Services



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