Family Wealth Report Awards 2014
Thursday - 13th March 2014
Metropolitan Club
One East Sixtieth Street, New York, NY 10022-1054, USA
Family Wealth Report Awards 2014 from WealthBriefing on Vimeo. |
The awards were focussed around three main category groupings: experts (individuals and teams); products and services for wealth managers and clients, and institutions of all sizes and types.
These awards build on the success of our established worldwide awards programme, our events business and Family Wealth Report’s unique position in the global wealth management market by focusing on the US and Canadian markets.
Independence, integrity and genuine insight were the watchwords of the judging process. This involved specially convened expert panels drawn from both private banks and trusted advisors and supported by relevant expert third party organisations.
Uniquely, partner organisations were included to express the views of clients so that the Family Wealth Report Awards will truly reflect excellence in wealth management from the grass roots up.
The Family Wealth Report Awards was supported primarily by its global network of daily newswires for the wealth and private asset management communities; Family Wealth Report, WealthBriefing andWealthBriefingAsia.
Other supporting publications were Offshore Red and Compliance Matters.
The selection and judging process for the 2014 awards began in the summer of 2013. Nominations opened on August 5 and closed on November 25, 2013. All firms were notified whether they have made the shortlist on January 7, 2014.
Entrants who were shortlisted were announced on all Family Wealth Report media, as were the eventual winners.
Additionally, an extensive PR campaign highlighted all the winners and shortlisted entrants to relevant media.
The culmination of the process was a gala dinner on March 13, 2014 at the Metropolitan Club, New York during which the winners of the shortlisted entrants were announced.
This networking event was conducted in a slick and snappy style. The formalities were not dragged out unnecessarily as is so often the case at industry awards.
External organizations were brought into the judging process to further objectivity and to ensure that the views of the industry as a whole, along with ultimate client base, were represented.
These included specialists in branding, marketing, IT, philanthropy and investment management.
There were two judging panels for the awards.
- Investment advisors (judging the trusted advisor categories)
- Other trusted advisors (judging the investment management categories)
This was to ensure that commercially sensitive information were kept confidential and to avoid conflicts of interest.
Metropolitan Club
Address: One East Sixtieth Street, New York, NY 10022-1054, USA
FAMILY OFFICE CATEGORIES Multi-family office (up to and including $4 billion AuM). Gresham Partners Lowenhaupt Global Advisors Pitcairn Vogel Consulting WE Family Offices Multi-family office (above $4 Billion AuM) Abbot Downing Ascent Private Capital Management Aspiriant CTC Consulting/Harris my CFO Multi-family office (National) Ascent Private Capital Management Bessemer Trust CTC Consulting/Harris my CFO GenSpring Family Offices Hawthorn, PNC Family Wealth Multi-family office (Regional) Covenant Multifamily Offices Vogel Consulting Multi-family office (new entrant) AM Global Family Investment Office Fieldpoint Private Rothstein Kass PRIVATE BANKING CATEGORIES US private bank Ascent Private Capital Management BNY Mellon Wealth Management Citi Private Bank Merrill Lynch Private Banking & Investment Group U.S. Trust Canadian private bank Citi Private Bank RBC Wealth Management Private bank – offering for family offices Ascent Private Capital Management Bessemer Trust BNY Mellon Wealth Management Citi Private Bank Hawthorn, PNC Family Wealth RBC Wealth Management INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT CATEGORIES Private client investment platform Ascent Private Capital Management Brown Brothers Harriman Citi Private Bank Fortigent RBC Global Asset Management Fund manager Bessemer Trust RBC Global Asset Management Alternative asset manager Ascent Private Capital Management Citi Private Bank Crystal Capital Partners National private wealth manager Abbot Downing Bessemer Trust BNY Mellon Wealth Management Convergent Wealth Advisors UBS Wealth Management Americas Regional private wealth manager Covenant Multifamily Offices Del Monte Group First Republic Bank MARKETING CATEGORIES Brand launch/relaunch, print and online Ascent Private Capital Management Crystal & Company Fortigent RBC Wealth Management PRIVATE CLIENT CATEGORIES Effective legal team Cantor & Webb Handler Thayer Kozusko Harris Duncan Withers Bergman Effective tax/accountancy team Covenant Multifamily Offices Deloitte Rothstein Kass WEALTH MANAGEMENT TECHNOLOGY CATEGORIES Transaction Processing Solution SunGard Temenos Global custodian Millennium Trust RBC Investor & Treasury Services Risk profiling solution FinaMetrica SunGard Risk management solution Trov Vestmark Porfolio management Advent Software Archway Technology Partners Envestnet Envestnet Tamarac InvestEdge Client communications Envestnet Tamarac Equipos InvestEdge TrustedFamily Wealth Access Inc CRM System Advent Software Backstop Solutions Group Finantix On-boarding Appway Finantix SunGard TrustedFamily Outsourcing solution Envestnet Fortigent Private Client Resource Rothstein Kass SEI OTHER WEALTH MANAGEMENT CATEGORIES Insurance solution Crystal & Company PURE Trov Concierge solution Cassford Management Lifestyle Advisory Majestery Leading individual Ascent Private Capital Management (Michael Cole) BNY Mellon Wealth Management (Larry Hughes) Del Monte Group (Richard Del Monte) Purposeful Planning Institute (John A Warnick) RBC Wealth Management (John Taft) Rising star Aspiriant (Jennifer Kenning) GenSpring Family Offices (Kevin Campbell) Strenta Family Office Services (Jill Shipley) TrustedFamily (Edouard Thijssen) UBS Wealth Management Americas (Judy Spalthoff) Philanthropy offering Forbes Family Trust Foundation Source U.S. Trust Women in wealth management (individual contribution) Bessemer Trust (Rebecca H Patterson) GenSpring Family Offices (Pat Soldano) Pershing (Kim Dellarocca) Pitcairn (Leslie C Voth) UBS Wealth Management Americas (Sharon Sager) Women in wealth management (company contribution) Banyan Partners HTG Investment Advisors RBC Wealth Management U.S. Trust Lifetime achievement Atlantic Trust (Edward I Rudman) Charles W Collier - submitted by Joe Reilly Pitcairn (Leslie C Voth) SEI (Alfred P West Jr) UBS Wealth Management Americas (Marty Halbfinger) Outstanding contribution to wealth management thought leadership – Group A Bessemer Trust GenSpring Family Offices Hawthorn, PNC Family Wealth Pershing RBC Wealth Management Outstanding contribution to wealth management thought leadership – Group B Accenture Family Office Exchange FamilyWealth Consulting (James Grubman) Institute for Preparing Heirs Scorpio PartnershipWinners
Multi-family office (up to and including $4 billion AuM).
Multi-family office (above $4 Billion AuM)
CTC Consulting/Harris my CFO
Multi-family office (National)
Bessemer Trust
Multi-family office (Regional)
Vogel Consulting
Multi-family office (new entrant)
Rothstein Kass
US private bank
BNY Mellon Wealth Management - winner
Merrill Lynch Private Banking & Investment Group - highly commended
Canadian private bank
RBC Wealth Management
Private bank – offering for family offices
BNY Mellon Wealth Management
Private client investment platform
Fund manager
Bessemer Trust
Alternative asset manager
Citi Private Bank
National private wealth manager
Abbot Downing
Regional private wealth manager
First Republic Bank
Brand launch/relaunch, print and online
Ascent Private Capital Management
Effective legal team
Withers Bergman
Effective tax/accountancy team
Rothstein Kass
Transaction Processing Solution
Global custodian
RBC Investor & Treasury Services
Risk profiling solution
Risk management solution
Porfolio management
Client communications
CRM System
Advent Software
Outsourcing solution
Insurance solution
Crystal & Company
Concierge solution
Cassford Management
Leading individual
RBC Wealth Management (John Taft)
Rising star
Strenta Family Office Services (Jill Shipley)
Philanthropy offering
Foundation Source
Women in wealth management (individual contribution)
Pitcairn (Leslie C Voth)
Women in wealth management (company contribution)
U.S. Trust
Lifetime achievement
Charles Collier - winner
Alfred P West Jr, SEI - highly commended
Outstanding contribution to wealth management thought leadership – Group A
Bessemer Trust
Outstanding contribution to wealth management thought leadership – Group B
Family Office Exchange
Nominations are now closed.
MULTI-FAMILY OFFICE (UP TO AND INCLUDING $4 BILLION AUM) Criteria for entry: MFOs with up to and including $4 billion AuM. MULTI-FAMILY OFFICE (ABOVE $4 BILLION AUM) Criteria for entry: MFOs with above $4 billion AuM. MULTI-FAMILY OFFICE (NATIONAL) Criteria for entry: MFOs with a genuinely national reach. MULTI-FAMILY OFFICE (REGIONAL) Criteria for entry: MFOs with a predominantly regional offering and client base. MULTI-FAMILY OFFICE (NEW ENTRANT) Criteria for entry: New MFO offering of any size or reach. MULTI-FAMILY OFFICE (CLIENT INITIATIVE) Criteria for entry: New initiatives for clients from MFOs of any size or reach. SINGLE FAMILY OFFICES Criteria for entry: Organizations servicing the investment, governance and reporting needs of only one family.PRIVATE BANKING CATEGORIES
US PRIVATE BANK Criteria for entry: Banking operations in the US that deliver a differentiated and high level of service to HNW and UHNW clients on a national level. CANADIAN PRIVATE BANK Criteria for entry: Banking operations in Canada that deliver a differentiated and high level of service to HNW and UHNW clients on a national level. REGIONAL US PRIVATE BANK Criteria for entry: Banking operations in the US that deliver a differentiated and high level of service to HNW and UHNW clients on a regional level. PRIVATE BANK - WEALTH STRUCTURING OFFERING Criteria for entry: Teams within private banks that deliver tailored wealth structuring solutions to HNW and UHNW clients. PRIVATE BANK - OFFERING FOR FAMILY OFFICES Criteria for entry: Teams within private banks that deliver tailored solutions to family offices.INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT CATEGORIES
CANADIAN WEALTH MANAGEMENT OFFERING Criteria for entry: Non-bank wealth manager based in Canada. PRIVATE CLIENT INVESTMENT PLATFORM Criteria for entry: Investment platform specialising in servicing the investment needs of the HNW community. FUND MANAGER Criteria for entry: Collective investment manager with an investments range suitable for the HNW community. ALTERNATIVE ASSET MANAGER Criteria for entry: Collective investment manager with an alternative investments range suitable for the HNW community. ETF PROVIDER Criteria for entry: Asset/fund managers that manufacture exchange-traded products that are suitable for the HNW community. NATIONAL PRIVATE WEALTH MANAGER Criteria for entry: Wealth management businesses that deliver a differentiated and high level of service to HNW and UHNW clients on a national level. REGIONAL PRIVATE WEALTH MANAGER Criteria for entry: Wealth management businesses that deliver a differentiated and high level of service to HNW and UHNW clients on a regional level.MARKETING CATEGORIES
ONLINE CAMPAIGN Criteria for entry: Wealth managers or other private client practitioners who have used online channels to promote their services to private clients or to raise their profile either within the industry or to clients. PRINT CAMPAIGN Criteria for entry: Wealth managers or other private client practitioners who have used print media to promote their services to private clients or to raise their profile either within the industry or to clients. BRAND LAUNCH/RELAUNCH Criteria for entry: Most effective and innovative brand launch or re-launch in the private client world, either a whole business unit or a product/service within an existing business.PRIVATE CLIENT CATEGORIES
EFFECTIVE LEGAL TEAM Criteria for entry: Law firm team or barrister dedicated to private client issues. EFFECTIVE TAX/ACCOUNTANCY TEAM Criteria for entry: Team in accountancy firm/consultancy specialising in reporting, transacting or wealth structuring for private clients. INSTITUTIONAL TRUST OR FIDUCIARY COMPANY Criteria for entry: Entries only eligible from fiduciaries that are part of a non-fiduciary parent. INDEPENDENT TRUST OR FIDUCIARY COMPANY Criteria for entry: Entries only eligible from fiduciaries independant of larger non-fiduciary businesses.WEALTH MANAGEMENT TECHNOLOGY CATEGORIES
TRANSACTION PROCESSING SOLUTION Criteria for entry: Straight through processing, core banking. GLOBAL CUSTODIAN Criteria for entry: Custodians offering services to private client business. RISK PROFILING SOLUTION Criteria for entry: A technology solution to help wealth managers assess and document the risk appetite of clients. RISK MANAGEMENT SOLUTION Criteria for entry: Technology solution providers specialising in tools for wealth managers to manage risk. PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT Criteria for entry: Technology solution providers specialising in tools for managing clients' investment portfolios. CLIENT COMMUNICATIONS Criteria for entry: Technology solution providers specialising in tools for wealth managers to communicate with clients. CRM Criteria for entry: Client relationship management systems for wealth managers. ONBOARDING Criteria for entry: Technology solutions to help wealth managers bring new clients into their organization. OUTSOURCING SOLUTION Criteria for entry: Third party organizations providing business processes or systems to wealth management businesses.OTHER WEALTH MANAGEMENT CATEGORIES
INSURANCE SOLUTION Criteria for entry: Insurance provider or intermediary that provides specialist products and services to the HNW community. CONCIERGE SOLUTION Criteria for entry: Concierge service provider for the HNW community. LEADING INDIVIDUAL Criteria for entry: Age and experience is no bar but something special should mark out this individual working in the private client world. RISING STAR Criteria for entry: A wealth manager or private client professional under the age of 35 who is not yet in a senior management position but shows the potential to be a leading individual. PHILANTHROPY OFFERING Criteria for entry: Private client businesses or practitioners who advise individuals or families on their philanthropic activities. WOMEN IN WEALTH MANAGEMENT (INDIVIDUAL CONTRIBUTION) Criteria for entry: Women in wealth management who have inspired both colleagues and clients. WOMEN IN WEALTH MANAGEMENT (COMPANY CONTRIBUTION) Criteria for entry: For wealth management organisations which demonstrate support for women in their career development. LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT Criteria for entry: For individuals who have enhanced the standing of the local wealth management industry. OUTSTANDING CONTRIBUTION TO WEALTH MANAGEMENT THOUGHT LEADERSHIP Criteria for entry: Open to individuals or businesses that demonstrate an outstanding contribution to thought leadership in wealth management as demonstrated by contributions to periodicals and events specialising in wealth management.Tickets
The event has already taken place.