Summits & Forums

Family Office Fintech Summit 2016

Wednesday - 9th March 2016

The University Club – New York
The University Club of New York, One West 54th Street, New York, NY 10019

About Speakers & Sponsors Register


Family Wealth Report is excited to announce the launch of the inaugural Family Office Fintech Summit on March 9, 2016 in New York City, in association with Archway Technology Partners.

Technology has become an almost inescapable part of daily life in financial services and is extremely hot on the family office sector’s radar today for reasons including clients’ and advisors’ evolving needs and desires alike, costs associated with buying and maintenance, and – perhaps biggest of them all – security.

Investment in technology continues to rise – the US high net worth banking and financial planning sector spent $3.3 billion on technology in 2013 – a figure which the firm anticipated will rise to $4.2 billion through 2018.*

Family Wealth Report’s exclusive fintech event aims to unpick some of the toughest technology-related questions and concerns facing executives in the space through four dynamic panel sessions, as well as in-depth discussions and networking opportunities.

Some of the biggest names in the family office and technology spheres are expected to attend this event, which is exclusively for members of the Family Wealth Report network.

*source: Ovum



Date and Time

Date: Wednesday 9th March - 2016
Time: 8:00 am – 7:00 pm


The University Club – New York

Address: The University Club of New York, One West 54th Street, New York, NY 10019


08:00 – 09:00 Registration and breakfast 09:00 – 09:05 Introduction 09:05 – 09:15 Keynote speech: Helping families achieve their legacy by building a better working world, does better begin with you? 09:15 – 10:05 Panel Session: Technology selection and implementation for family offices Investing in new technology and selecting a provider are significant decisions for family offices, bringing costs and risks. What do family offices need to consider throughout technology implementation to minimize these risks and ensure costs deliver positive change for the organization? This panel will look at reviewing technology needs, selecting new systems and making the right upgrades to staff and processes to ensure technology works effectively for family offices. 10:05 – 10:35 Refreshment break 10:35 – 11:25 Panel Session:Co-Source Solutions: Combining technology and service to optimise the back-office The back office in wealth management and the family office has always been plagued with inefficiencies and a lack of system integration. Of late, it has also come into focus as a business area where cybersecurity, complex regulatory requirements and revenue pressures are all contributing as drivers for change. How can firms ensure their business and technology strategies are properly aligned in the back office? 11:25 – 11:55 Refreshment break 11:55 – 12.15 Tech Presentation One: Leverage next gen technology to enhance the efficiencies and security of your Family Office - Presented by External IT 12.15 - 12.35 Tech Presentation Two:  ATWeb – The Enterprise is Now - Presented by Archway Technology Partners 12.35 - 12.55 Tech Presentation Three: Semantic search - KYC processing comes of age with smartKYC 12:55 – 13:55 Lunch 13:55 – 14:45 Panel Session: Banking on Digital: Improving the client experience through operational efficiency gains A desire for growth and scale combined with competitive pressure from technology and increasing client expectations have created an essential focus among wealth managers on operational efficiency and client experience. By embedding technology into operations and workflow, wealth managers can deliver a smoother journey for their clients while making operational efficiency gains. But wealth managers must ensure technology is used appropriately and seamlessly in client interactions. This panel will identify where and how technology can target improved efficiency for the benefit of the client and firm. 14:45 – 15:05 Tech Presentation Four: Dynamo Software – Dynamo™ Family Office Edition - Presented by Dynamo Software 15.05 - 15.25 Tech Presentation Five: Trusted Family Product Demo - Presented by Trusted Family 15:25 - 15:55 Refreshment Break 15:55 – 16:45 Panel Session: The hidden technology challenges of family offices Family offices are typically personal organizations run in a lean manner, with longstanding client relationships over generations. But they face a complex environment across several aspects of their business today and are having to rethink operational models and organizational structures. Harnessing the power of technology can help family offices solve some of these challenges, but it also provides new challenges of its own. This panel examines where and how leading family offices are adopting technology to tackle thorny issues. 16:45 - 17:35 Panel Session: Delivering on alternatives: private market platforms for family, multi-family, and other UHNW audiences Family offices and UHNW individuals have a large and growing interest in direct investing into private market investments, a trend that is playing out through emerging technologies. To name a few examples: online platforms are enabling broader access and simpler means of carrying out due diligence and investing across strategies; so-called “crowdfunding” sites bring deal-level investment opportunities to accredited investors; and family offices in particular are looking to source and negotiate discrete private deals among themselves, often assisted by technology. Private equity and traditional “alternative” fund-raising will not soon be displaced, but online platforms and investor demand are helping this industry to evolve. 17:35 – 17:40 Closing remarks 17:30 – 19:00 Cocktail reception

About our Sponsors

Featured Sponsors



Sam Attias

Managing Director

External IT

Hugh Bagatelle

Founding Partner

Windward Advisory Group

Glenn Bolstad

General Manager, North America


Jason Brown

Chief Executive

Archway Technology Partners

Todd Burns

Vice President of Institutional Sales

Dynamo Software

Jon Carroll

Managing Director, Private Client Services, Family Office Advisory


Theresa Clarkson

Solutions Architect


Susan Devlin

Director of Information Technology


Steven Draper

Senior Consultant

Family Office Exchange

Joseph Larizza

Chief Administrative Officer

Fieldpoint Private

Peter Lehrman



Gamal Maklad

Head of Information Technology

Advance Publications

Dennis Mangalindan

Vice President


Chris Martinez

Former Managing Director

Oakbrook Solutions

Kenji Mochizuki

Chief Investment Officer

Akemi Capital

Cynthia Mullock

General Counsel and Chief Compliance Officer


John Rompon

Managing Director and Co-Founder

McNally Capital

Jeff Sesar

Vice President


Avi Sharon

Executive Vice President and Product Strategist


Bob Shepro

Senior Vice President, Head of Private Capital

Family Office Fintech Summit 2016

Robert Stover

Americas Family Office Leader


Edward Swenson

Chief Operating Officer

Dynasty Financial Partners

David Teten

Venture Partner

Coolwater Capital

Edouard Thijssen

Co-Founder, CEO

Trusted Family

William Trout

Director of the Securities and Investments

Datos Insights

Bill Woodson



To be announced soon

Family Office Fintech Summit 2016


If you would like to engage in this leading industry event please register now by clicking on the button below. Please note this event is open to attend on complimentary basis to qualified subscribers and buy-side firms only.  If you’d like to enquire about attending, please contact us.